Creating an Underbase in Adobe Illustrator – Screen Printing 101

creating an underbase tutorial illustrator screen printing cover

When printing light coloured inks directly onto dark coloured garments with opaque color inks, like plastisol inks, the colors lose their intensity. To get around this, it’s best practice to first print a layer of white ink, known as an underbase. The underbase is printed first then dried to the touch with a heat gun or flash-curing machine before the rest of the color screens are printed. By using this method the colours will hold their vibrancy.

When screen printing multiple colors it can be very hard to align the print areas of each screen perfectly, even if the screens are aligned perfectly the white ink underbase can bleed a little, you would then see hints of white where there shouldn’t be. For this reason the underbase artwork is reduced in size slightly, this is called “choking” the artwork.
Choking the underbase gives the screen-printer a little bit of room to completely hide the underbase so it’s invisible to the naked eye.

Continue reading Creating an Underbase in Adobe Illustrator – Screen Printing 101

Free Vector T-Shirt Mockup

Free vector t-shirt template illustrator

We are celebrating the release of The Ultimate Vector Mockup Pack and our
NEW Master Collection with a free vector t-shirt mockup!

Our brand new Vector Garment Master Collection Pack consists of 310+ high-end vector clothing mockup templates. Each mockup was meticulously designed to enhance and give body to the garment graphics.
Continue reading Free Vector T-Shirt Mockup

Screen Printing Metallic Inks: The Definitive Designers Guide.

The definitive designers guide to metallic inks POSTER 001

In this definitive designers guide to metallic inks, we cover: creating a metallic ink effect in Adobe Illustrator, screen printing with metallic inks, proper garment care instructions and there’s even a free high-resolution metallic ink texture giveaway.

Continue reading Screen Printing Metallic Inks: The Definitive Designers Guide.

Heather Grey T-Shirt Mockup in 6 steps

grey marle t shirt design template tutorial TMB

In this tutorial we show you how to add a heather grey fabric swatch (or any fabric for that matter) to a t-shirt mockup file in 6 super fast steps. Adding a fabric swatch to your template opens the door to even more possibilities with what can be done with an apparel template file. For example, imagine an e-commerce store that sells t-shirts in many different colors (including grey marle). Now, imagine a guest coming to your website and being able to view all the different color options. To set this up would take hours of photographing every different colorway and touching up those photos. Forget the photography, use a template. Nike do it and so can you! Here’s how it’s done.

Preview of Final Results

greymarle custom t-shirt template tutorial

What You’ll Need.

Photoshop CS or Newer required. Estimated finish time: 2min.

 Download this tutorial in PDF format (10.2 Mb) 

STEP 1: Open the ghosted t-shirt template file

Note: All Prepress Toolkit Photo Real Ghosted apparel templates are designed to be used with Photoshop CS or newer software versions. Some PrePress Toolkit Photoshop templates use Smart Object Layers which are only available to users with Photoshop CS3 and newer. For users with Photoshop CS and CS2 you can convert these smart object layers into regular layers. Smart Object Layers are not necessary for this tutorial.

Add a Greymarle fabric to t-shirt design template 01

Continue reading Heather Grey T-Shirt Mockup in 6 steps

Video Tutorial: Vector t-shirt templates using Adobe Illustrator symbols library.

vector t-shirt template video tutorial

Hi Toolkit community, Dan here.

I’m so excited to bring you this new tutorial that explores making lightning fast graphic mockups with PrePress Toolkit’s apparel templates. Not only are our vector templates the most stylish, slick, and easily editable vector templates on the web, but when teamed up with Adobe Illustrators symbols library they make for an incredibly fast mockup. Don’t have Illustrator? no worries all our templates look stunning in CorelDRAW too! If you haven’t already why not hit the play button above and see what all the talk is about. We take great pride in our work and are pleased with the high level of detail put into every mockup template we create for you. Feel free to leave us a quick comment of what you think, or of any additions you’d like to see added to the collection.


About the Vector Templates.
All PrePress Toolkit Vector templates are setup to take full advantage of Illustrators symbols library. Access every apparel template from any open document and be mocking up your t-shirt, polo, hoodie, hat or any of our 80+ templates designs in seconds. We know these are the best mockup templates anywhere but i’ll leave that up to you to decide. P.s. This tutorial also features out brand new Vector Vintage badges and Retro Seals art pack.