10+ Gold Foil T-Shirt Designs – Hand selected for your inspiration

10 Gold foil t-shirt designs hand selected for inspiration

We have scoured the web and hand selected a set of 10+ gold foil t-shirt designs to spark inspiration and also showcase what can be achieved with gold foil in t-shirt printing.

If you are interested in knowing more about screen printing with gold foil or how to create a gold foil effect in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, check out or post
Gold Foil: The definitive designers guide to gold foil, creating and screen printing the effect.
Continue reading 10+ Gold Foil T-Shirt Designs – Hand selected for your inspiration

Gold Foil: The definitive designers guide to custom foil printing t-shirts

Gold Foil Effect Adobe Illustrator Poster

In this Gold Foil: The definitive designers guide to gold foil, creating and screen printing the effect. We get hands-on with creating a gold foil effect in both Illustrator and photoshop. We go in depth on how the gold foil effect is garment screen printed and explain the pros and cons of this printing technique. To top things off with deliver proper garment care instructions when dealing with Gold Foil prints.
Continue reading Gold Foil: The definitive designers guide to custom foil printing t-shirts