Legal requirements, artwork templates & more.
This is where clothing brands really set themselves apart from one another – in their attention to details. Most clothing companies will stand for something, whether that’s mass manufacturing, bespoke creations, limited editions, high end design or specific genre graphics, whatever it is, you can generally tell what kind of label it is by what kind of clothing size tags they use.
We believe that even though it’s just giving general information about the type and care of the garment, it can and should, still make a statement (literally!) and reflect the brand’s identity. If you haven’t considered internal labels or not sure what they must include, read through below for the low down and set yourself apart in the industry.
Benefits of printing your own inside tags
- Custom branding
- Opportunity to be creative, i.e. add a fun or informative message for the customer
- It’s professional. Do you really want your clothing to have the garment manufacturer’s logo on the inside instead of yours?
Legal requirements
- MUST show size
- MUST show origin (where the garment was made, NOT printed)
- MUST show material information (90% cotton / 10% polyester, etc)
Note: Some garment manufacturers insert a separate internal garment care label (usually found on the internal, left-side seam of garment) that displays the origin, material and care instruction. In this case, printing the material and origin of the garment in the neck tag becomes optional. Be mindful though and consider your target audience and the impact these details can have on your overall identity as a brand.
Related: Screen Print Apparel Sizing Tag Templates
Non-legal optional information
- Garment care instructions or instruction icons (ie: cold wash, no tumble dry etc)
Where to find garment information for your tags
When creating your own internal clothing sizing tags, the easiest way to acquire the correct fabric and garment origin information is:
- On the existing neck label before you cut it out.
- The manufacturer’s website.
Internal Sizing tag artwork recommendations
- Outline ALL fonts
- Maximum artwork size (usually 3” x 3”, however check with printing facility first)
- Artwork at 100% scale
- Tag artwork for all individual garment sizes
- Vector format (Ai or EPS) if not, high resolution PSD or transparent background PNG file at 300dpi
Related: Tech Pack – Job Sheets and artwork approval forms
Related: Screen Print Apparel Sizing Tag Templates
21 internal tags to get your Creative inspiration on!
Print Your Clothing Sizing Tags Light to Mid Grey
Printing dark ink colors on light shirts will render the artwork semi visible from the outside of the shirt. Our recommendation is to use a mid to light grey ink instead, the bonus here is that if you have light and dark garments you can print mid grey on both saving printers time in having to switch out print colors (which takes time), saving you money in labor costs. Win!
Be Mindful of Small Text
Silk screens used in the screen printing process have a limit to the fine details they can produce. Keep fonts on the bigger side of the spectrum to avoid the text being illegible, remember size, origin and material used are legal requirements so if this information can not be read you will be in violation of law.
Still not sure where to begin? Here at PPTk we have you covered for everything print and apparel, from conception to creation!
Save time by checking out our NEW Sizing Tags Pack
Happy creating!
-PPTK Team